ABSTRACT INSTRUCTIONS - Abstracts must use metric units.
- Do not include illustrations, figures, or photos in the abstracts.
- The abstract's title must not be longer than 25 words and must be written in ALL CAPS.
- In your title, use full words and AVOID using symbols such as ampersands (&).
- Please limit your key words to no more than eight.
- The body of the abstract is limited to a maximum word count of 250 words, exclusive of the title and the author information.
- Even when you register for the presentation style you choose (oral or poster), your abstracts will still be examined, chosen, and suggested for the appropriate session and presentation type, which may differ from your initial registration.
- The abstract system is open from July 1 to August 31, 2022.
- You will receive a confirmation regarding your abstract and session from July 31 to September 11, 2022.
- Please submit your full abstract as a Microsoft file with the extension .doc or .docx via the registration system on our BSA2022 web page: https://bsa2022.science.cmu.ac.th/.
ORAL PRESENTATION INSTRUCTIONS - A laptop, a screen, a projector, a microphone, and a laptop will all be available in each session room.
- All of the conference's session rooms will have screens with a standard (16:9) size.
- For optimum visibility, please prepare your power point slides in standard style.
- The computers will be Windows 10 based PCs.
- The Microsoft office PowerPoint 2010/2007 will be used to display your slides.
- Please carry the source file if some videos need be present in your PPT.
- Final revisions/presentations must be uploaded to the speaker management team no later than midnight prior to the day of your presentation.
- Your presentation's title and authors should match those on the abstract you submitted.
- Oral session: Speakers at the symposium's oral sessions will have 20 minutes for presentations including 3 to 5 minutes for questions and answers (total 20 min).
- Plenary session: Speakers in the plenary will have 45 minutes to present, including an additional 10 - 15 minutes for questions and answers (total 45 min).
- Keynote session: Keynote speakers will have 30 minutes for their talks, including 5 minutes for questions and answers (total 30 min).
- Posters must be created vertically and cannot exceed 90 cm width by 120 cm height.
- Posters will be fastened to boards with double-sided tape that will be provided.
- Your poster's title and authors should match those on the submitted abstract.
- From a distance of two meters, the text and images (figures, tables, charts, etc.) should be readable.
- Please refer to Poster Presentation Schedule for the poster board number assigned to you.
- DO NOT use nails, push pins, screws, or any tools that will puncture the poster boards.